Tuesday, 1 January 2013

At the end of 2013...

Hi friends, I not even expected in dream also that I will write a post on me........ That is to at the end of year.......

Many friends said me that “I had changed a lot in my attitude towards them.......”

When I had entered in to this collage... I said myself that don’t hurt anyone.... don’t do bad to other’s.... use to be friendly towards all.... and many more like this....

But what had happened wrong I really don’t know.... if you like to say that “how I can change”, I try to do it........

I am really sorry.... If I had behaved not well towards you.... but I can’t even know what the change in me...

I asked my heart many times... “How I had changed??” “Whether I changed good/bad??” and many more questions like this....

At the end of this year I heart fully requests every friend to excuse me if I was bad towards you......

I think it may be due to faith on our relationship.... I may say in normal way but they may take it some seriously.......

At the end “Wish You a Happy New Year friends”

May this year be the best year in our life to be settled in a good job/business/collage.......

                                                                   -Your’s Santoshklpkl

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