Thursday, 26 June 2014

One person was blind... One was handicapped.....

Hi friends, Today I want to say you a small story from which we can learn something..... J

Once upon a time they were two close friends. One person was blind and second one was handicapped (No legs). They both were decided to go out for a while. The person, who was blind he had lifted his handicapped friend and kept on his shoulders and began from home.

People who say them in the way were laughing at them.... For what this guys were going out?? What can they both do?? (This is because one is blind and other is handicapped)

They went so far from home.... They were so hungry. They were so much tiered and tried to eat something but they were nothing in the way to eat.

After walking some more distance one friend said to another

Friend1 (Handicapped): “Hey here they were a garden and they were tree’s on which some type of fruits was there to eat....”

Friend2 (Blind): Then the person who was blind said “wait, My friend ....”

Friend1: Then he replied “why??” I can’t wait anymore I am so hungry....

Friend2: Please wait for some more 5minutes I want to ask you some questions to you....

Friend1: Then he replied “What?? At this time there was any need to ask these questions to me.....”

Friend2: Then he replied “Yes”.

Friend1: Then “k, Ask your questions quickly....”

Friend2: He asked “Is there any fencing to the garden??”

Friend1: Replied “No”

Friend2: “If there were security in the garden”

Friend1: Replied “No, Why are you asking these questions to me??”

Friend2: Replied “Those fruits are not for eating....”

Friend1: “How can you say that??”

Friend2: He said “if they were consumable they must be some fencing around the garden. So, that no one can rod they fruits. If not at least they must be some security like watchman”. By this we can say that fruits were not consumable.

Friend1: “Wow, So great”.

After moving to some distance they buy some fruits and eat them.

Friends you may just think now.... What is there in this story?? What actually you want to say us??

Simply in one line I just want to say “God may not give all to us... But god gave brain.” If you miss something don’t be depressed just be yourself and the persons who were laughed by seeing both of them while they were walking may not have the knowledge that the person who really think awesome in this story. So don’t discourage others. If possible encourage otherwise keep Cham......  

“Don’t under estimate power of any human being”

                                                                 -Your's santoshklpkl



Sunday, 22 June 2014

Different ways to lock the system.......

Hi friends, I am here today to say you the different ways to lock the system.............

1) We normally use alt+ctrl+del to lock our computer.

2) The second method which is commonly used is Windows key + L

3) Now enter into the trick to lock the pc using mouse

Step 1: Right click on the desktop, goto New and click  Shortcut.

Step 2: Now in the create shortcut dialog box, paste these location “rundll32 user32.dll,LockWorkStation” without quotes.

Step 3: Click Next and give the name of your choice and click finish.

Step 4: Now just double click on the icon which you are created, your desktop will be locked.
                                                            -Your's santoshklpkl

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