Monday, 27 January 2014

Sixth sense technology...........

Wow,"What a sixth sense technology...." 

Normally when I saw this video I just want to write a post on this....

But while I started writing it one second.... I asked Myself  a question.... "whether by video or by post my friends could understand  what I saw ???

Then instead of saying.... 

I just want to show the video.........

Great Man...................

                                                           -Your's santoshklpkl

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Some Greatest Pains in the World .....

Hi friends..... I am trying to write this post from many days........ But after a long time it happened ...........

Today I want to say some “GREATEST PAINS IN THE WORLD”....
Pains means not like heart attack, etc...... ;)

I can’t say all the pains.... but I will say some what I had experienced and some I saw.....

Greatest pains in the world......

“When someone who loved you the most but you can’t say them.....”

“Trying to act as unknown person outside.... but you has some feeling in heart and can't able  to tell them........ “  

“Someone misunderstood you ..... Without a reason/sometimes words said by others”

“After breakup in a great relationship.....“

“Trying to be strong enough outside...... but not like that inside”

“Try to act has an enemy outside... but inside as a friend”

“Talking to a person with smile but you don’t like that person....(due to many reasons) “

“Giving value to a person who not even bother about you”

Many more like this.......

Friday, 3 January 2014

Some sample papers for ADP written exam.........



The question paper had 4 sections --sections A, B, C and D

Section A:

It has totally 40 questions. time 20 minutes.
10 questions -analogies
10 questions-fill up the blanks
(u have to study barrons GRE to be able to answer these questions. CAT students can do well i guess.)
remaining 20 questions from maths R.S.Agarwal thoroughly...most of the them are profit-loss, percentages, time-distance/ work and numbers.

Section B:

20 questions to answer in 30 minutes.
All question are based on C programming...the questions are something like find the output of the program, compilation errors, find which line of the given program has an error. u ought to be thorough with data structures in C to answer them will not find simple C programming questions be thorough with data structures using C.

Section C:

A long C program which is about 2-1/2 pages long and it has only 5 questions to answer in 10 minutes.......i didn't understand half of the had many function calls...

Section D:

Duration  10 minutes....
An essay of 100 words has to be written on the given topic. first the given topic was "My few favourite things" then they changed the topic to "Same as the last".........God knows what is the meaning of the topic.....the entire class had dumb face when they heard the topic title.....and i am sure most of them actually screwed here.. 
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